Frank Zeek ElementaryUkiah Unified School District

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Parent Resources » Chromebook Contract

Chromebook Contract

Frank Zeek
Chromebook Contract
UUSD is committed to developing and supporting the use of technology for high quality teaching and learning.
Receiving the Chromebook
  • This UUSD Chromebook Agreement must be signed by the student and parent or guardian before a Chromebook will be issued to the student.
  • Students will receive the Chromebooks and cases during the first week of school.
  • Note: the Chromebooks remain the property of the District.
  • All transfers/new students will be able to use a Chromebook in their classrooms.
Returning the Chromebook
  • At the end of the school year, students must return any Chromebooks and charging cords in good working order.
  • If something happens to a student's Chromebook, students and their parent/guardian must inform the school right away.
  • If the Chromebook is stolen, the family must file a report of stolen property with the police department and promptly inform the school.
  • If the Chromebook is misplaced, the student and parent/guardian have until the end of the current school year to locate the device before they are required to pay the full equipment cost for replacement of the device.
  • Students who transfer out of or withdraw from UUSD must turn in the Chromebooks and chargers to their school's front office on or before their last day of attendance. Failure to turn in the Chromebook will result in the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) being charged the full replacement cost. (The District may also file a report of stolen property with the local law enforcement agency.)
Taking Care of the Chromebook
  • Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the school.
  • Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported to the Tech Office as soon as possible so that they may be repaired.
  • District-owned Chromebooks must never be taken to an outside computer service for any type of repair or maintenance.
  • Students must secure their assigned Chromebooks at all times to avoid loss or theft.
General Precautions
  • No food or drink should be placed next to, or on, any Chromebook or Chromebook charger.
  • The devices are sensitive to liquids and must not be used at or near a pool, bathtub etc.
  • Cords, cables and any removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into Chromebooks.
  • Chromebooks should not be used with the power cord plugged in where the cord may be a tripping hazard.
  • No objects should ever be placed on top of Chromebooks.
Carrying Chromebooks
  • Always transport Chromebooks with care. Failure to do so may result in unintended damage to the device.
  • Never lift Chromebooks by the screen.
  • Never carry Chromebooks with the screen open..
Screen Care
  • The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, some cleaning solvents and other liquids.
  • The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
  • Do not put pressure on the top of the Chromebook when it is closed.
  • Do not store the Chromebook with the screen open.
  • Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils or disks).
  • Only clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
Asset Tags
  • All Chromebooks will be labeled with a UUSD bar-code and checked out to the student.
  • Students and parents/guardians may be charged up to the full replacement cost of a Chromebook for tampering with the library bar-code.
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Charging Chromebooks
  • Chromebooks are recommended to be brought to school each day with a full charge.
  • Students should charge their Chromebooks at home every evening and have their chargers with them every day.
  • There will be a limited number of unsupervised charging stations available at school for students on a first come, first serve basis.
  • It is the parent's responsibility to monitor their student's Chromebook while it is charging if taken home.
Backgrounds, Avatars and Themes  
Inappropriate media may not be used as Chromebook backgrounds or themes. The presence of such media may result in disciplinary action.
  • Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from a teacher.
  • Headphones may be used at the discretion of the teachers.
  • Students will be encouraged to digitally publish and share their work with their teachers and peers when appropriate.
  • Students may set up their home printers with the Google Cloud Print solution to print from their Chromebooks at home. Information about Google Cloud Print can be obtained here:
Logging into a Chromebook
  • Students will log into their Chromebooks using their school issued Google Apps for Education account.
  • Only UUSD students and staff can log into school Chromebooks.
  • Students should never share their account passwords with others.
  • Sharing account information can result in disciplinary action.
Using the Chromebook Outside of School
  • Students are encouraged to use their Chromebooks at home and other locations outside of school for educational purposes.
  • The Chromebooks are for student use only; they must not be loaned to friends etc.
  • A Wi-Fi Internet connection will be required for the majority of Chromebook use, however, some applications, such as Google Docs, can be used while not connected to the Internet.
  • Students are bound by the UUSD Use of Technology Policy, Administrative Procedures, Acceptable Use Agreement and all other guidelines in this document wherever they use their Chromebooks.
Operating Systems and Security
Students may not use or install any operating system on their Chromebook other than the current version of Chrome OS that is supported and managed by the district.
  • The Chromebook operating system, ChromeOS, updates itself automatically.
  • Students do not need to manually update their Chromebooks.
Virus Protection
Chromebooks use the principle of “defense in depth” to provide multiple layers of protection against viruses and malware, including data encryption and verified boot. There is no need for additional virus protection.

Content Filter
  • The District utilizes an Internet content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
  • All Chromebooks, regardless of physical location (in or out of school), will have all Internet activity protected and monitored by the district. If a website is blocked in school, then it will be blocked out of school.
  • If an educationally valuable site is blocked, students should contact their teachers to request the site be unblocked.
  • In no event may the user of a Chromebook use the device to access material contrary to the District’s acceptable use policy

Google Apps for Education
  • Chromebooks seamlessly integrate with the Google Apps for Education suite of productivity and collaboration tools.
  • This suite includes Google Docs (word processing), Spreadsheets, Presentations, Drawings, and Forms.
  • All work is stored in the cloud.
Chrome Web Apps and Extensions
  • Students are allowed to install education-related appropriate Chrome web apps and extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Students are responsible for the web apps and extensions they install on their Chromebooks. Inappropriate material will result in disciplinary action.
  • Some web apps will be available to use when the Chromebook is not connected to the Internet.
Chromebook Identification
The District will maintain a log of all Chromebooks that includes the Chromebook serial number, asset tag code, and name and ID number of the student assigned to the device.

Each student will be assigned the same Chromebook for the duration of their time at their current school whenever possible.
Repairing/Replacing the Chromebook
Chromebook repair
  • If the Chromebook is not working during the school day, notify your student's teacher and they will notify your site's tech office.
  • If you have purchased insurance, go online to, or contact, your insurance company and file a claim. Report the claim to the school’s front office and the student will be issued a loaner until the Chromebook has been repaired and returned.
  • The school site tech will evaluate the Chromebook and determine if payment is required for any damage. A letter detailing the damage and the cost will be mailed to the parent / guardian.
  • A payment plan can be set up if need be. To do so, please contact the Site Secretary for assistance with this.
  • Cash or cashier's check are preferred methods of payment.
Vendor Warranty
  • The vendor warrants the Chromebook from defects in materials and workmanship
  • The limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown and faulty construction.
  • The vendor will provide normal replacement parts necessary to repair the Chromebook or, if required, a Chromebook replacement.
  • The vendor warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, or accidents.
  • All repair work must be reported to the school site tech office.
Estimated Costs (subject to change)
The cost of the broken/lost Chromebooks or replacements can be found at the following link  (per contract):  UUSD Repairs
No Expectation of Privacy
Students who use this device have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy with respect to any usage of a Chromebook, regardless of whether that use is for District related or personal purposes, other than as specifically provided by law. The District may, without prior notice or consent, log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record use of student Chromebooks at any time for any reason related to the operation of the District. By using a District-issued Chromebook, students agree to such access, monitoring, and recording of their use.
Any inappropriate use of a Chromebook may result in disciplinary action.  
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Appropriate Use and Digital Citizenship
District-issued Chromebooks are provided for educational purposes only, and students agree to adhere to the UUSD Acceptable Use Policy for District Computer Systems and Parent Appropriate Use Policy at all times.
Please sign and return this page to the office.
We have carefully read, agreed to and signed this Agreement and the UUSD Acceptable Use Policy for District Computer Systems Student and Parent Appropriate Use Policy. The acceptable use agreement applies to the use of any UUSD devices used on and off a UUSD campus.  Safeguards/filters against inappropriate websites are not preloaded on the device, however, per the Use Policy, all Chromebooks must be used appropriately.  Students and parents will be liable for the cost of replacement or repair for damaged or lost equipment that is checked out to the student, including Chromebooks.  
As a Frank Zeek Elementary student, I will follow the Chromebook Code:
  • Maintain good digital citizenship.
  • Bring my Chromebook charged with my charger everyday.
  • Be in the apps/web-pages approved by the teacher.
  • Keep food/liquids off the desk, keep the keyboard clear of objects
  • Protect my Chromebook with my cases.
  • Use headphones when listening to sound files.
Student Name (Print): ______________________________     Student ID:__________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________    Date: ______________________________
Parent / Guardian Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature: __________________________  Date: ___________________________
If you have questions or concerns regarding your student’s access to material on the internet and/or limits that can be placed on their account, please call Alissa Coleman at (707) 472-5102 or email at [email protected]
I don't want my student to take their School issued Chromebook Home. By doing this your student will not be allowed to take a Chromebook home and will need to check one out daily, before school and check it back it after school. If you would like to choose this option, please initial here: ___.